Know a college student that needs internship credit or a recent grad that likes to volunteer? Who do you know that loves the outdoors and/or is wanting to participate in a unique trail rehab opportunity? Indiana Heritage Corps is seeking candidates with a strong interest in natural resources, landscape architecture, improving communities, and working outdoors to join the second program year of Indiana Heritage Corps. TheFall 2012 Indiana Heritage Corps session starts September 4, 20120. Recruiting is going on now and the application deadline is Friday, August 17th.
Indiana Heritage Corps is an AmeriCorps program administered by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, State Parks, and Reservoirs Division designed to improve Indiana’s trails throughout the state. Selected participants will begin the program orientation on September 4 and will complete 450 hours of trail work during the fall months (ending December 14). Members will receive a monthly living stipend, an education award upon completion of the service hour requirement, uniforms, onsite housing if needed, and a complementary 2012 park pass.
The first Indiana Heritage Corps members will be finishing up their work with in the next week. It’s hard work, but it’s good work and good experience. Check out the work they’ve been doing at!/INheritagecorps.
For more information, contact Amanda Ricketts at (317) 220-4878 or