As area residents prepare to celebrate the New Year, the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) reminds residents of the dangers associated with firing a weapon into the air. This dangerous and illegal action can cause serious or fatal injury and lead to possible arrest and prosecution. IMPD traditionally responds to several calls for service involving shots fired on New Year’s Eve.
A bullet fired into the air can ascend a mile or more in the air. Smaller caliber ammunition can fall at a rate of 300 feet per second and larger caliber ammunition can fall at a rate of 500 feet per second. A rate of 150 to 170 feet per second can penetrate the human skin, while a velocity of 200 feet per second is sufficient to penetrate the human skull.
If arrested for firing a weapon, you could face a charge of Criminal Recklessness – a level 6 felony punishable by six months up to two and a half years in jail, and a potential fine of up to $10,000.
If you see someone firing a weapon, you’re urged to call 9-1-1.
IMPD looks forward to 2017 and urges everyone to celebrate the New Year with a sense of responsibility for their neighbors, and remember what goes up must come down.