Indiana Landmarks announces recent awards from its Partners in Preservation National Register Program (PIP) that will support nominating five Hoosier sites the National Register of Historic Places.
Matching PIP funds will help pay for five National Register nominations to be prepared by preservation professionals.
The Lebanon Historic Preservation Commission received $2,250 funds to support the nomination of the Lebanon Courthouse Square Historic District, an area of 75 commercial properties that includes the Boone County Courthouse.
The Connersville Historic Preservation Commission received $1,800 to nominate the Downtown Connersville Historic District, which includes the Fayette County courthouse square.
The Converse Economic Development Corporation was awarded $2,500 to nominate the Converse Commercial Historic District, an area of approximately 30 historic properties that includes City Hall, built by the Works Progress Administration in 1937.
Indiana Landmarks provided PIP matching funds for nominations of two individual structures. Richmond’s Oliver and Alice Gaar House, built in 1903 and undergoing restoration by Chad Stegner, received $1,250. New Goshen School District No. 2, built in West Terre Haute in 1888 and now owned by the New Goshen–West Vigo Lions Club, was awarded $320.
Listing in the National Register qualifies properties in the district for federal preservation tax credits, a restoration incentive for building owners and developers.