The NBC sitcom Parks and Recreation, based in a fictional town of Pawnee, Indiana will stage an indoor farmer’s market scene and has contracted with U-Relish Farm for the episode.
The Pawnee Chickpea was created for the comedic episode and is a nutrient dense simple solution for home cooked meals that tastes like you slaved all day to make it. All products are easy to prepare; Dafforn refers to it as “solution for supper”. Just add water to the bag’s contents and cook in the crock pot. The cooking time for each dish varies,
but a minimum of fuss is involved.
Ideal for single parents, college students, busy professionals and camping you can purchase kits at the Indianapolis City Market, Homespun: Modern Homemade, Georgetown Market, Ingredients, Pogue’s Run Grocer, New Day Meadery, Smoking Goose and distributed through
In celebration, U-Relish Farm and JUNONIA will host the Amazing Santa Scramble
SATURDAY, November 30th
FRIDAY, November 29 from 5:30 – 8:30 &
from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
The “Santa Scramble” begins at U-Relish Farm at the Indianapolis City Market. Clues will be provided for those children who can read with a theme . For those children who cannot read visual clues are found within the Indianapolis City Market. At the Ice Cold Finish at JUNONIA Fish Market there is a FREE ticket to meet Santa when children complete the Santa Scramble.